Dreemii's Blogs

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September 2024 Blogs

9/23/24 - Website Update #100,000,000,000

it’s a bit a bit since I made a post on my website, and I’ve come back to make a slight overhaul to the website. While this started as a fun experiment for me to have a place outside of social media to write longer form content, now it’s kind of turned into a side thing where I post every few weeks. Not to say this is a bad thing or anything, but I do know barely anybody will be reading this and it’s more of just a time capsule for myself. I like that I have a place that I can write for myself. The problem with this is I’ve got such a busy schedule now that I have work and college classes and other responsibilities, so while I’m still gonna be updating this, it’s gonna be very limited and this is pretty much the final time. I’m gonna be making a discussion about this because I post a lot in my blogs when I’m like “ oh sorry for not posting for a while” when I really shouldn’t have a time limit.

Aside from that, the usual has been going on, although I’ve gotten extremely into Splatoon again, I absolutely adore the game. I’ve been playing with some friends. I love the characters, the story, the character designs. It’s all really fun. Work has been the usual. School has been usual. I’ve just been trying my best to make money and keep it so that I can get a car replacement because it’s on the verge of explosion. That’s about it. The websites been overhauled. I think it’s much simpler and better now, so hopefully I can get back into updating this more frequently. New art should be coming soon, hopefully, by the end of this month! Until then, bye!!!

9/9/24 - Star Wars LIVE! And Work.

So over the past couple of days, of course, I’ve been doing the usual schoolwork, although I only went one day last week, which was really nice, I did some actual work at my job, bought a ton of pizza because there were some good deals on free dessert, and, oh yeah, I went to Star Wars live in concert because a friend had a ticket that was just free for me!

So let’s back up real quick, there’s not really much to go over about the school or actual activity of doing the work, but there were some really weird people that showed up at work this week. yesterday people were walking into our kitchen, there were some people who had orders under the wrong name, but it was their order, they just said a completely different name on the phone than what their name is, there were even some people very clearly were just trying to get some free pizza, they made our problem probably an hours worth of hassle, trying to explain things to them. Overall, yesterday was insane. People, absurdly, large orders, and a high rate of orders coming in, it was probably one of the worst days that I’ve ever had there. On the bright side, it’s cool enough to where I can finally wear pants without dying of heat stroke, in case you don’t know, I hate wearing shorts. I prefer for as much on my body to be covered as possible, and I absolutely despise anything that’s formfitting.

There was a deal this week at work that any order over $10 got a free dessert which is normally like $8. I would order something on the app that has a total of over $10, and then go pay for it but apply my employee discount so I spent $21 but got like $21 worth of free desserts. Still, I would like to think of it as I spent $21 on pizzas and got $21 of desserts for free, because I don’t know, thinking that I spent $21 on dessert just seems like I got scammed…

And, to end this article/ journal/ blog entry off, I went to Star Wars, live in concert, which was incredible, my friend had actual seats instead of a lawn, which was nice because I’m sure my butt would’ve been an agony if I was sitting in lawn, but I don’t care about in law. I just wanted to complain for no reason. It was actually a Star Wars movie, and it was actually really entertaining, I know the into the trilogy, at least that’s what my friends told me, but the orchestra that was there was incorporated into the movie, I barely even noticed that they were there, and of course, the music sounded as good as it possibly could, as I’m sure it was orchestrated originally, and with the live orchestra, the sound was probably just much more crisp, and it made it such a nice experience. I’m sure it would be hard for me to get into Star Wars, but with thousands of people surrounding me, it made the event feel so much more important, and I think that is something that we lose watching everything on streaming. I really don’t think it would’ve been that great to me if I was watching Star Wars in my bedroom, which is dead silent with nobody else there.

Wrap it up for this week, I’m writing this right before school, ?but if you have any interest in my art, I just added some more to the before July and also the September tab! Alternatively, follow me on Instagram @dreemiiart (or you can click the nifty little Instagram .gif at the bottom of the page and it’ll link you there!)

9/2/24 - I went to my first concert + more!

So it’s been a while since I’ve actually posted on my blog, and I’m very sorry about that, and it feels like every time I come back I say I’m sorry about that, even though I know nobody’s really reading this at all, and it’s really just my own journal that I have available online, but yeah, I am sorry to the maybe zero probably maybe one person at most that reads this, but it’s September! So I figured I would make a little update.

So school started, it’s been fine, nothing really cool’s been happening, I started another college class, so I’ve got four classes this semester, which is really easy, I’ll have for next semester, which will be new classes, so I’ve got four college classes this year and two normal classes for high school.

Work has been fine, I passed my test at Domino’s, which pretty much just means I make really good pizzas. But pay fine, I’m usually making 250 every week.

Life in general has been really great, I’ve gotten to hang out with a bunch of friends, I’m even going to hang out with some friends today since it’s Labor Day and we’re gonna have a cookout, but last night I went to see Glass Animals live. Now I’m not the biggest fan, but they did put on one splendid show last night, the main singer actually got down in the crowd and performed in the crowd, and it was really really fun seeing how happy he seemed.

One funny thing to know about the performance is that he kind of was sweating a ton, so it looked like he pooped his pants whenever the cameras would zoom in on him and he turned around. But he’s big enough to that doesn’t really matter like people are gonna like him even if he did poop his pants during a performance.

Aside from that, I went Thrifting the other day and found a shirt and some pants, I found two other shirts, but they don’t fit me so I’m gonna go return them today, I did end up getting the MP3 player, but it’s nowhere near what I was wanting, so I’m gonna return it and hopefully find something better, but going on the hunt for something that fits all of the necessities that I have, it is extremely difficult, it’s seeming like a modded iPod is what my best option is, since I want the art to be displayed, I want to pull the meditated instead of just displaying the file name because a lot of the file names are wrong, and overall, I’m just really picky, I want Bluetooth and a really long life, so finding these things is rather difficult in a modern MP3 player that doesn’t break the bank. I’m stuck between an iPod or an android MP3 player, which would essentially just be a light android phone, which could have something on it, but that would ruin the point of me downloading 4000 songs painstakingly.

Anyways, life’s been good. It’s really easy for me to write these especially whenever I just have a bulk of things to talk about, so thank you for reading if you did, really this blog has just become something so people who I meet on the Internet can know me really easily without me having to go really really in-depth with them, they just read a few paragraphs and then kind of know me better. Thanks for reading!

August 2024 Blogs

8/21/24 - Work Stories and more stuff.

Truth be told, maintaining the blog is a lot harder than I’d imagined it to be, with school, work, and all that other stuff. It sucks more because it's likely that nobody is reading it! Nonetheless, here's the updates!

First, I finished that show, Horimiya. It isn’t my favorite, that title still belongs to Kimi Ni Todoke, but it was still fun, plus, it was relatively drama-less, which was a nice change of pace in romances.

Then, there was the stuff I talked about last blog, and as an update to that, both lights went off, so I guess I’ll be waiting on the repairs until they come back and stay there! As for other “vehicle” repairs however, my mower is broken, which is terrible because I have probably 4 acres of land to mow, and it’s summer, so it grows fast, AND it's BEEN RAINING NONSTOP! So it was time to mow, and I went to start it, and as per usual, there was an issue. Somehow, every time I mow, there is an issue. So it didn’t start, and I started asking my dad and the internet how to fix it. I can’t get it to start, so, after an hour of troubleshooting, come to the conclusion that this repair is not of my capabilities and end up asking my neighbor to borrow his. He lets me, and while there are a few hiccups, I’m able to get 90% of the mowing done… then lines start appearing in the cut… and the mower breaks down on me. I put more gas in it and it's still jittery but working, however, a blade got loose so now, I have to wait to mow again until my neighbor retightens it sometime today hopefully. So to summarize, my mower broke down, can’t fix, borrowed a neighbor's mower, it broke down, but I think he can fix it. I will say RIGHT NOW that it is not my fault. I just mowed, as usual. I don’t think just mowing can cause those issues.

In other landscaping news, I came home to find 3 of the trees in my front yard missing! My landlord ripped them out while I was mowing, so that was a nice surprise. It was a shame though, as they were the prettiest trees. Two apple trees and a tree that would blossom in spring with flower-like petals. It was sad, but I didn’t really care that he ripped them out. What I did care about was how many twigs were everywhere in the yard. I have to clean the yard hardcore now because I can’t even get out of the driveway without running over a mini-tree worth of sticks.

Now for the title story, it's not much of a story, but anyways, a guy came in offering some mystery black object to people to eat. Honestly, I assumed it was an edible, but it turned out it was a CAROLINA REAPER. So some guy accepted it and was crying and pacing around in the freezer at work for a while. Then he was like “light work” and went back to gasping for cool air. It was funny but also tragic. I know the bathroom was destroyed that night.

First week of school went fine, and I am on the second. It seems easy enough, I will breeze through, although Senior Sunrise was this Monday at 6am. I set my alarm for 5am so I could get ready, and get there on time. Well, it rained and got postponed, but people had already shown up for it anyway, so it was semi-postponed, basically just happening again. Lucky for me that that happened though because when I woke up, I saw the alarm going off but silent, and it was 7am. I missed it, but a friend told me to show up anyways, so I did, and then left after like 30 minutes because I showed up at 7:45. It was fun to chat, but I shouldn’t have shown up considering I didn’t need to be at school for another 4 hours. I went home, went to a game shop after and bought 2 CD’s. That was fun I suppose. That’s really all that's happened recently, thanks for reading if you made it that far! LOVE YA!

8/12/24 - First Day of School!

Today was really cool honestly, I decided to have a positive outlook on today, and it went quite well. I woke up early, which sucked, but I watched a show called Horimiya, and finished the first season in the morning. I got dressed, got to my car, and luckily, my check engine light and low tire pressure lights weren’t on anymore. OH! I forgot to talk about that, huh?

The other day, I was driving and my tire pressure light came on, so I went to Walmart so I could get them looked at. I had it hit low tire pressure a lot so I went to check for a leak, but Walmart said it would be a 3-hour wait, so I went to JiffyLube, where they looked at it for an hour, and concluded it was a tire pressure monitoring system that was broken or needed recalibration. So I went back to Walmart to get some things I needed, and as I got back in my car with the items, the check engine light came on, so I went back and got a diagnosis, which came back confirming the TPMS was broken or not functioning properly, and a misfiring cylinder which was the engine issue. They said that would be about $550, so I left and was stressed. Luckily, a friend said he could do it for cheaper, and I trust him, so I think I won't destroy the bank concerning it.

Anyways, today it disappeared, so I am happy about that, even if the issue is still there, because I won't worry so much about it. The car has had issues, but if it works, it works.

I also got my Billie Eilish shirts from Hot Topic, although I may have to return one of them, considering the length on it is kinda short. I like it, but I don’t know if I wanna wait for it to get returned and then reshipped. It would be nearly a month before I got it. I may refund it and get an MP3 player because that would be neat. I’ve thought about ditching my phone plenty, but that’s a whole other tangent for another day.

I had Spanish 2, where I knew basically nobody. It was introducing ourselves, and that was it. College Algebra was introductions and syllabus, and while I knew more people there, it was none of my close friends or even the people I talk to more than once a month at most. Not to be mean to them, but they’re chill people, just not the main group or even the secondary group. Finally, in Senior Seminar, I had some friends, so that was a nice change of pace. It was also another introduction class. Now, I only go 2A-4A, so tomorrow, I won’t be going, but I will be mowing. Since nothing bad happened today, I consider it to be a good day!

Oh, and yesterday, I saw my friend who was in Laos for more than a month and had some fire Chicken Fried Rice. Just figured I’d add that.

8/7/24 - Week Recap!

Since the last post, I’ve been really busy! I didn’t want to update if I didn’t feel like it fit into my schedule, but I’ve got a break day, so here's a post!

Thinking back, I haven’t done a TON! Some of the things I did include going to the gym and playing Sea of Thieves, Fortnite, and Minecraft with my friends. Yesterday, I went to the waterpark with my friends, got some Canes, and had pizza, chips, garlic bread, and cake while watching Always Sunny in Philidelphia. It was great! I paid rent for the first time and drew some more. I feel like I could stretch this into a massive post, but I don’t quite have a lot to say, The craziest thing that happened was a can of Pepsi exploding in my car at work. That was a shocker.

I’ll post that photo below, and I’ll keep posting here in the future. That week's break was good! I am back though! ALSO! Check the art tab! There’s new silly stuff! Thanks for reading!


8/1/24 - New Month With The Website!

It’s a new month, so I now have to work with the new tabs, making sure everything is in order! Hopefully, it all works just fine. With this, I go back to school in 11 days, which is very scary! I haven’t done much aside from quitting my socials and making a website, but I will continue getting offline through the next few months. My next goal is to get an iPod, maybe a classic or touch, but for sure one of the newer ones with Bluetooth and plenty of storage!

Now, for the thing I wanted to discuss, after some life events, I dropped a few things, namely art and a game called Sky: Children of The Light. I will try to get back into these, and since I will be a senior soon, I made some art to commemorate! Here it is, it shows Scottie and her disappointment with being a senior. In the universe, they are growing alongside me, so I typically write them older than I am. I like to write them as adults since its experiences I don’t have just yet. Anyways, enough yapping, there wasn’t much to write about today, and I work tomorrow, so see you eventually! Just a few more before school starts!

Scottie sad Scottie sad about being a senior

July 2024 Blogs

7/30/24 - Mowing (pt. 2), Local Files, and Gaming

Today was very frustrating, so let me guide you through my day!

First, I got up to finish mowing, so I went out and started mowing. About 45 minutes in, the belt popped off, so I couldn’t turn on the mowing. Had to take it back to my house and spent 45 minutes reattaching it. I finally got it, and went back to mowing, then it RAN OUT OF GAS? Even though I’d just added a full tank. So I went and got more gas, which I had to scrape coins from everywhere I could find and use my “emergency” $20 from my wallet for gas. So I have about a full tank on the mower now and my car but $0. So that’s fun! And that’s only one part of the day :(

Second, I decided I was done streaming the leaked music from YouTube/ Musi I like, so I was gonna put it on local files for Spotify so that way I can have my music in playlists and not swap apps. So I downloaded the songs in audio formats from YouTube, put the proper tags (album name, artist, title, cover art) in all of them, then put them in Spotify on my computer. Half of them didn’t show up, so I realized the format wasn’t supported. For those, I converted them, then they didn’t have the tags I’d just added so I had to redo it all. Finally on PC, it all showed, but I want to listen on mobile! So I uploaded those songs on Drive, downloaded them to my phone, then put them on Spotify. I opened Spotify and realized only some showed up. So I figured mobile didn’t support .m4a, so I converted the rest to .mp3, then they didn’t work still. So I just completely restarted, downloaded the songs, converted all to mp3, then tagged, and finally, it all worked. This took 2+ hours. So that’s fun also!

Third, I played games with my friends and it all sucked. For Sea of Thieves, we did a quest and got to the end and we quite literally couldn’t have done anything to stop our boat from sinking so we lost our hour of progress and everyone got off. Then I played Fortnite with someone, and we rage quit after chasing someone for 5 minutes then getting triple teamed. Then some friends tried Dark and Darker and the two hours we spent trying it just ended up resulting in learning nothing and rage quitting. Luckily, I did have a bit of fun playing Mario vs. Luigi online, which is like the DS mini game but online, on PC, and more features. It’s very fun and my friend and I played for probably an hour. That was probably the only good part of today!

Thats really all for today. It was rough but I made it and Dr Pepper helped me achieve that (no ad I wish though!).

7/29/24 - School Schedule, Gyming, and Mowing!

Today was rather eventful! First, I went to to get my school schedule changed, and as it stands now, I actually really like it! Out of the eight class periods, I only go for three, and since they’re split A and B days, I only go on eight days for second third and fourth block! This is great, because now I don’t have to be at school for unnecessary classes! I have a job, so that helped me get some out periods, and so now I can get bread, work on my classes that I still want to or need to, and have an out day!

Afterwards, I went to the gym with a friend, we tried out a new one, since the Planet Fitness summer pass is ending, and it completely sucked! Considering how expensive it would be to get a Planet Fitness membership ($160 for two months?!???!), I guess we’ll just keep looking.

I also had to practice self-restraint today, after the gym, my friend I went with wanted to get food, so I kind of just sat there watching him eat, which was fine because I don’t have any bread, and the money that I had needed to be allocated towards something else!

Going into next week, I want to do a few things!

I want to get some new volumes of Fangirl from the library, watch the new season of Kimi No Todoke, listen to some new music (I really want to find a new artist that I love! Someone a bit more underground? Not like underground rappers as people think of them now, having that rage kind of feel? I just want less known people!), and finally, play more games!

Oh, also, I mowed today and I will be mowing tomorrow again! Mowing is therapeutic for me, I think I’ve discussed this before, but if not, I figure I will now. I love just getting to sit back, jam out to my favorite music, and bask in the sun for hours. While sometimes it gets tiring, I genuinely love it! And, getting to see your progress and the final product is very very satisfying.

Since I have a massive lawn, and I have to mow someone else’s yard, I have to go back tomorrow to do theirs, since mine took two hours and I did the end of the day so I couldn’t do theirs because it was getting too dark. Hopefully I can get done relatively quick and come home and chill.

That’s gonna be for this entry, thanks for reading!

7/27/24 - Bizarre Dream Last Night?

Last night, I had a very odd dream, and I figured I’d share it. Now I voice noted it and it did voice-to-text, so I made sense of it and what I remembered to piece together the dream. Here it is, presented in a readable format (I thought it was a pretty silly dream!)

Me and my friend were hanging out outside of school, and then all of a sudden, some guys come up to us. We quickly dart inside the school and try to stay safe from them, but they get in. I have to push the friend out of the way as knives are thrown towards them, stabbing me in the back. Anyways, the goons get out of the way and it reveals their leader, Keanu Reeves, and he has some spiel about how “it’s so good to see us” or something? He starts throwing random stuff? Like water balloons and food, then suddenly the dream just like CUTS to another one?? I’m at another friends football game, not sure why, but in the bleachers he shows me that he made an object that destroys anything that goes in it. Some scientists know and approach him, asking to experiment. I join him and they put an object they developed inside his (theirs cannot be destroyed) and it slowly starts forming a black hole. Eventually, the entire world is swallowed and everyone is essentially dead, but time is more so frozen in the hole so we aren’t dead, but we don’t exist outside of that realm. Everyone chats and freaks out until morning when God visits us and tells everyone that if they interfere with things not intended to be interfered with, such as making black holes, then the darkness would return and remain for eternity.

Obviously, names are redacted, but yeah! Very interesting, I figured I’d share it. I’m curious what it all means. I mean I know why I was with the first friend, it was the one I’d seen at their band performance the day of the dream, but the others? Not a clue! It’s so weird, and I hope in the future I can start making sense of some of them. I believe there’s deeper meanings to it all.. although I don’t think anyone’s said why Keanu Reeves would throw food, knives, and water balloons at you in a dream? Maybe I’ll be the first to make sense of it!

7/26/24 - Band Performance & Recent Music Listening!

today, I did quite a few things! First, I got McDonald’s, as I usually do on workdays, then I went to work, and my manager got me a burger for lunch, which was nice, although I don’t like mayo, onion, or tomatoes on burgers (although I think they can be good on different things!), but I digress, it was a free burger after all!! After work, I came home, finished up two volumes of Fangirl (like a manga?? But more graphic novel-y?), got a shower, drove to Walmart, got a phone mount since it was gonna be a long drive and I needed Google Maps, and then drove the 45 minutes to get to the band performance!

I cannot possibly put into words how much I love live music, so of course I would hop at this chance to go, also since it’s one of my closest friends, if not my closest friend that would be performing! Of course, there were other people, but I was mainly there for them :D and as usual, they slayed!! I think something I love so much about live performances is realizing that everyone in that room that is there took time out of their day, out of their lives, to be there! It’s so heartwarming, because there’s so many other things they could be doing, but they’re all joined there to listen to some fire music! I think that’s beautiful!

After their performance, and after I talked with my friend, I went out to my car and realized I had low tire pressure, so after some trial and error, we got it to air up, and I was on my way (that makes it seem like it was this quick simple solution, but neither of us said aired up a tire before, so it really took like 30 minutes!). Now, I’m at home writing this blog post, and figured since I’m in the music mood, I would talk about some of the songs that I’ve been listening to most recently! (In a list format!)

That’s gonna be it for today, I love adding in more non-time specific sections, so I’ll be sure to add stories and things like these in the future! Hope yall enjoyed and maybe listen to some? Thanks for reading!

7/25/24 - Senior Photos!

Yesterday, I went to get my senior photos. I am obviously terrified about the way they’ll look, but there's nothing I can do now! It will be 2-3 weeks until we get to see them, so by then school will be back in session. As of now, I think there's about 2-3 weeks before school starts, so I am also scared about that. Anyway, when I got there for photos, one of my besties was there!! Afterward, we went and got pizza (it was alright!) and went to the bookstore (it’s so cozy in there…) and then departed. It was a nice day though! I’m attending his band performance tomorrow, although it's a 35-minute drive. They’re really cool though, so I am okay with the drive. I’ll have to come home from work, shower, change, eat, then head over. I am excited about it though!

I have been thinking about what I’ll get with my next paycheck. Today, I bought the Don Toliver / Teezo Touchdown concert ticket, so that's cool! It will be my first concert. I bought lawn, one because it was cheap, and two because I have never been and want to see how they really are. I have sensitivity issues, and that leads to a lot of issues in loud situations. For example, during fireworks, I really need earplugs and sunglasses, so I am going to check out what a concert is like, and for future concerts, I will be able to know where to sit and what is comfortable.

Since I want my blogs to have substance, I figure I will go on a little “want list” for what I am interested in getting for the next month (luxuries as I’ll call them!).

Considering I have my haircut, and my backpack, the only things I NEED for school are notebooks and pencils, The rest are luxuries. If I find clothes I want, I will get them, if I find shoes for a good price, I will get them. It really comes down to two factors when I buy something for myself: 1) Do I really want this? And 2) Do I have the money for this? And if it's yes to both, then I get it. If it's only a yes to the first, I will put it in my journal, and save for it. It is hard to get a yes for the first thing though, which is why I don’t really tend to buy things for myself. ASIDE from food, because I can buy food so easily, it’s scary… That’s really all for the blog today! Thanks for reading everyone! (Saying this to maybe one person MAXIMUM!)

EDIT! Had a fun time on Club Penguin today, I met Sensei, met a new pal, and had some nice chats! Very fun time :)

Club Penguin Screenshot Club Penguin Screenshot Club Penguin Screenshot Club Penguin Screenshot

7/23/24 - Two Day Recap!

There isn’t a ton of stuff to talk about! I got my haircut, that might be the largest update! It looks fine, I needed to for my senior photos tomorrow! I also got some product to add volume to it, which both added up to about $62, which sucked. TOO EXPENSIVE! I also finished Kimi No Todoke, and I am excited for Season 3! I finally got to mow, although have to finish it after I get home tomorrow from photos, and finally, I went to the gym yesterday and got some mediocre food with my friends! I love being employed and having money but hate spending it. That’s about all for this blog :D

7/21/24 - Blog Update???

This seems like I might be giving up, but trust me, that is not at all what I’m doing. Since I started this website, I learned a lot about coding, and I also learned that making a blog post every single day, especially whenever my days are kind of boring, simply isn’t gonna work! I mean, who wants to read about someone who goes to work, watches TV, and then goes to sleep?

From now on, I’ll be making a blog if I feel like it, or if something neat happens in my day, that’s out of the ordinary!

To make up for this, I might be making a new blog tab, which will be for my characters blogs! This would be an universe writing page for my characters, with their own tabs so that it’s organized and easy to view. This will help me, expand the universe of my characters, and help people get a feel for them, aside from just a few photos that I have.

Also, I’ll start making character biographies in the coming weeks. This introduce them, link them to their family, and show their interests! I hope y’all look forward to this!! That’s all for today!

7/20/24 - More work, gaming, reading, and watching!

Today was all right, nothing special, but again just a perfectly normal day. It started off great though, my brother got me McDonald’s, which was nice because I didn’t have to go get it myself, I got to work 15 minutes early and I stayed 20 minutes late, so that’s another couple dollars that I made.

When I got to work today, a lot of the prep stuff was already done, so that was nice, but I did spend a lot of time just standing around today. When I left and I was driving, my car did break down, I guess I should go ahead and explain that!

So, whenever my car breaks down, I mean, whenever I break too hard, it just shuts off. Now I say it shuts down, but I really mean it stays on, but will not move at all no matter what mode and whether that be drive, parked, neutral or reverse (well obviously it wouldn’t go in parked!. I have to turn the car off, take the keys out, and open my door, then put the keys back in and turn the car back on for it to go again.) Now I don’t think I broke too hard in my car, but it must’ve been enough for a shut down, which I hadn't experienced the whole time I’ve been living on my own, which has been a few weeks now? It was scary, and odd. At least it wasn't busy!

Anyways, as I said, work was fine, I made a few mistakes, but of course I’ve been improving, which is nice! One of the things that’s very hard for me to get is a pizza made quickly, and that’s in both ways. I’m not the fastest when it comes to stretching and docking the dough, and I’m also no good at adding the toppings in a quick manner. I can add them, but I am still asking a lot of “does this look like enough?” to my coworkers.

When I came home, I made sure to bring home a pizza for the other people in the house and for me to eat, and it was very dry. I wasn’t the one who made it, because I was too busy trying to help people around the store, Like at the window, and in the lobby. Surprisingly, even when someone is right in front of you instead of on a drive-through microphone, it’s still very hard to understand them sometimes! Today, I had a lot of people come in who did not speak English, which is fine, but I can only imagine the Spanish speakers annoyance whenever I yell over “hey, who speaks Spanish, someone up here needs assistance!” Sorry Josh!!

When I got home today, I did the usual. I played some games, not the Fortnite and Overwatch that I usually do, but some Roblox with some online friends! I am actually writing this just as I got off (because all the people on there were tryharding!) I’d also like to add that I played a bit of a visual novel that is hosted on Neocities! I haven’t played a lot, but if you want to check it out, I’d highly recommend it! You can check it out here! And look at that! Our website names are quite similar!!

Also, whenever I got home, I watched more of the show I’ve been watching recently, Kimi No Todoke, which is super super cute! Sadako is a pure soul!! I’m on episode 20, and seeing all the characters relationships develop is so amazing. I love a lot of shows differently, but this is for sure one of my favorites in recent memory. I also saw that August 3rd, a new season of the show is releasing! I was confused, because the Netflix page says that the show ended in 2011, so maybe they’re bringing it back? Or maybe the dub has been done recently? Whatever the case, as long as the characters sound the same in the English version, I’ll be happy!

That’s about it for today, I’m probably gonna get an early sleep, even though I really don’t need it. My feet hurt, and there’s not much more I wanna do! I I might read some of the books that I picked up at the library yesterday (oops I forgot to include that in my blog post yesterday??), which was three manga, two of them were volumes of Fangirl, and the other one was a volume of Fruits Basket. I know nothing about these, but I can’t wait to read! Alright, to watch a bit more of the show that I love so much, and then off to bed! See you guys in the next one :)

7/19/24 - PIZZA DAY! And more!

Today was all right, nothing really special. Scratch that, actually, there was something pretty cool that happened today!

Today I got paid for the first time. My paycheck after about 18 hours of work in the first week was $191 after taxes has been taken out! I am estatic because now I might be able to afford some concert tickets, which would also be my first concert ever, so exciting, but also terrifying! I even have a friend that’s considering getting tickets with me so that way I’m not alone.

Today was all right, of course I got paid, but also I got a five dollar tip because someone ordered 16 pizzas and they left us a wad of cash to split. So I got away with $196 today, and that’s pretty nice. Also, I put $30 of gas in my car this morning, but my banking was down, so I just have a one dollar charge even though it was $30. I’m not gonna say anything, because $29 free gas is pretty nice. Also some cheesy bread sat out and I got to make it and have it for free! SO YUMMERS!

Anyways, below is a photo of my first day and how BADLY I messed up (that’s not true actually. Someone else put it in there but LIED and said it was me because I was the new hire. They were just out of it, and this isn’t me making it up! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE! I DIDNT PUT IT IN!)

pizza bomb

I played a bit of Fortnite, a bit of Sky, and a bit of Overwatch. I also played some Discord games with some online friends, and spoke with a friend for about an hour and a half on the phone while we laughed at dumb, YouTube videos, discord servers, and Twitter posts. (Yes I know I said I stopped using Twitter, but he convinced me to hop on and just scroll through a bunch of random stuff, such as a MAGA furry account???)

Weirdly, the thing that I take out of today is even though I only get $12.25 an hour, getting that $200 paycheck per week is going to be great! Some people may say that that’s absurdly low, but I really could care less! $800 a month is more than enough for someone who just needs 80 a month for gas and 100 for food here and there.

I’m gonna get to go see Don Toliver and Teezo Touchdown! LETS GOOOO!!! (In like October!!!)

That’s all for today’s blog! Thanks for reading!

7/18/24 - The websites in a temporarily finished state! And other daily yaps.

Today is Thursday, July 18th, 2024, and my website is looking great. I love how it looks right now, even if it's not done yet. I made it a nice spacey theme, which I think fits nicely for what I was going for, which is the 90s/2000s-themed website! I wasn’t alive in the 90’s but can’t a girl just dream of the past?

For a bit of a daily summary, I worked on my website a bit, played some Fortnite, Overwatch, and Sky, and started another game, Class of ‘09. I know it’s edgy and cringe at times, but i’ve gotten 5 of the endings and it is really funny to me. I haven’t done a whole lot more than that, although I am getting groceries delivered so I think I might have some ingredients to make a cool dinner (probably not though, I will likely feel lazy!). My schedule for the next few days is a bit rough too, with Friday-Sunday working, Monday mowing since I didn’t do that today, Tuesday getting ready for senior photos with a haircut and potentially shopping, and Wednesday being senior photos. Then there's just Thursday in the middle of all of that then back to work. It is a crammed week ahead, so I am unsure if I can post a blog every day! I hope I can though.

In other ME news, I made a YouTube video. You can check it out here, or by clicking the Youtube gif at the bottom of my page, it will take you to my channel! It isn’t much, but it goes over my blog, so that's cool.

Today is a light day for the blog, I will update this segment if I feel like there’s more for me to add, but other than that, thanks for reading again! (I did nothing else today but play more Class of '09 and edit the site for fun!) See you tomorow! (Maybe, I do have work at 10am...)

7/17/24 - More updates to the webpage!

I’m writing this bit at the start of my morning, at 12:22 pm. It’s a nice day I suppose, although it has rained. I had some cereal for breakfast, got the rest of the gifts in Neon White, and now, I am working more on my website! Not a lot to write about as of now, but I like writing about my day as I go, so I can accurately write about it :)

Midday update! It is 3:34 pm, and I have completed Neon White! It was a very fun game, it might sneak its way into my top 3 games of all time! (If you’re curious, in no order, my top games of all time are Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Fortnite, Black Ops 2, Minecraft, and The Walking Dead Telltale Series Season 1!). Now I’m trying to figure out how to add flare to my website! I want to figure out how to make a new page just for blogs! That and centering text are my daily missions! So let's see how it goes!

End of the day, and the website is looking a LOT better! I love how much better it looks, although it still lacks any personality. Of course, I will look into blinging out my site, but I am sure for now this works good enough. Below is a look at how the website was coming along through the day. Don't worry, silly gifs will make a return! Oh and ignore the shine, I should've cleaned the lens and made it more focused. But there, you can see my old design and how far I have come! One day can do a whole lot!

Early website development

Tomorrow, I plan on mowing. And maybe writing a more in-depth blog entry. I hope that I can make them more like storytimes than day summaries! For days that aren’t exciting, I figure I’ll talk about past stories. Maybe some day, I’ll tell the story of me choking on a lifesaver… Until then, see ya!

7/16/24 - The first blog post and day of my webpage!

This is my first blog. These are just journal entries (and I write them in the HTML dashboard for Neocities, so they very well can contain and will contain plenty of errors!). Today, I made my website! It's very basic as of now, but I plan to spruce it up over the next few days. Enough about the website though, I want to talk about my life!

Recently, I have been trying to consume more meaningful media that build me as a person! Now that sounds like I'm going down that nasty self-improvement sigma pipeline, but I mean not consuming just to consume. I am watching, reading, and playing things I genuinely love.

For watching, I am watching the anime Kimi No Todoke, It is a very cute romance school show, I love it! I love Sadako! She is so pure :3.

For reading, I have been going through Alice Osemans library, the Heartstopper Universe and her other works and also been reading some other romance graphic novels! They are all really cute and make me feel happy!

As for games, I am working through Hauntii and Neon White. I only played a bit of Hauntii but it looks and is pretty neat. I am getting close to finishing Neon White though, it may be my favorite game ever when it's all said and done! The music, visuals, cringey dialogue??? The smooth gameplay too!!! IT IS SO MUCH FUN!

AS for other life stuff, I went to the gym today, saw Inside Out 2, which was very very very adorable, ate some burgers with my mates, and played more Neon White. I did play Sea of Thieves too, but our loot disappeared and we just got off, wasted an hour haha! But it was fun so that's all that mattered. And now I am working on a website. How silly! That's all for today, I will be writing a lot more in-depth blogs in the future, but I will probably focus mainly on little recaps like these until the site is in a better, more cute, or aesthetic place! Thanks for reading!